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Insights From An Oasis of Healing #1 | Cancer Is A Metabolic Disease We invite you to join us weekly to be a part of our Team Oasis in-house staff education program. At the beginning of every weekly Plan of Care meeting at An Oasis of Healing, our doctors educate our Care Team (nurses, therapists, nutritionists, acupuncturist, and more). We discuss pertinent cancer-related topics and how our comprehensive cancer care program impacts our patients and their overall healing. This is an opportunity to learn directly from an experienced clinician who keeps us informed about the latest insights, research, and results in cancer care. Listen in and learn from Dr. Goodyear as he speaks about cancer stem cells, Vitamin C, hormones, and a plethora of other topics related to treatment for cancer. We encourage you to share these insights with your family and friends so that we can all stay on the pulse of new and long-standing cancer-healing evidence and procedures. With this knowledge, we all have power over cancer. Keynotes from our first Plan of Care Meeting – Discussing Cancer as a Metabolic Disease Review Cancer is a heterogeneous group of different cells within the same tumor. These cells are inside the tumor but also outside of the tumor. We used to think that a tumor would reach a certain size and then send out these satellite cells, whether they be metastatic cells or cancer stem cells. Now what we know is that probably very early on, even with a tumor of the smallest of sizes, this process is ongoing. Cancer is a metabolic disease. The genetic effects talked about in the mainstream are not the cause of cancer. These genetic effects are not the cause, they are the effect of cancer. The cause is metabolic dysfunction. What do we mean by metabolism or the word metabolic? We are talking about the cellular ability to make energy. Dr. Lodi talks about voltage. Life is, “do you have energy”. Energy is not about whether you have fatigue or not, what it is about is do you have “voltage” which really goes back to can the cells make energy. This is the essence of life. If a cell can make energy, it can heal, it can repair, and it can destroy things that are damaging to it. If the cell can’t make energy, it dies. If cells die, tissues die and if tissues die, organs die. And if organs die or an organ dies, an organism dies, this is the process called metabolism. To hear all that was discussed, listen to the video above in its entirety and share it with your friends and family. #cancerisametabolicdisease #cancerasametabolicdisease #anoasisofhealing
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Insights From An Oasis of Healing #1 | Cancer Is A Metabolic Disease was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Strange Science News
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